-300 Chang Tzu mentions the Lo Shu
80 Ta Tai Li Chi - first clear reference to a Magic Square.
1C Nagarjuna - first order 4 Magic Square, in India.
130 Theon of Smyrna: Biblion ... - natural square often erroneously cited as magic.
190 Xu Yiu (= Hsu Yo = Xu Yue): Shu Shu Ji Yi (= Shu Shu Chi I) (Memoir on Some Traditions of Mathematical Art) - first description of order 3 Magic Square. However, current belief is that this text was written by Zhu Luan (= Shuzun) of c570.
c500 Invention of chess, probably in northwest India.
505 Varahamihira II: Brhatsamhita.
c983 Ikhw_n al-Saf_': Ras_'il (Encyclopedia) - first examples of order 5 and 6 Magic Squares
1000 al-Biruni.
1000 Ibn al-Haitham.
1275 Yang Hui - preserves various Magic Squares; first Magic Circles.
1315 Moschopoulos - first Western discussion of Magic Squares.
1392 Three packs of cards made for Charles VI of France.
15C First associaiton of Magic Squares with planets.
1514 Durer: Melencholia - famous Magic Square.
1640 Fermat - first mention of Magic Cubes.
c1660 Frenicle finds the 880 Magic Squares of order 4.
1694 Hyde: De Ludis Orientalis.
1710 Sauveur finds first magic cube and invents() Latin squares.
1750 Franklin's elaborate Magic Squares.
1847 Beverley finds first Semi-magic Knight's Tour.
c1920 Bartl magic catalogue.
1921 Blyth: Match-Stick Magic.
1935 Premiére Congrés International des Récréations Mathématiques in Brussels
1935-38 Datta & Singh: History of Hindu Mathematics.
1936 Hein invents Soma Cube.
1956 Gardner: Mathematics, Magic and Mystery.
1987 Ball-Coxeter: Mathematical Recreations and Essays, 13th ed."
Fonte: CHRONOLOGY OF RECREATIONAL MATHEMATICS by David Singmaster <http://utenti.quipo.it/base5/introduz/singchro.htm>.